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Trade reporting is often thought to be a tedious, complicated process - and it may well be if information has to be transformed and moved across multiple systems. Nachas Networks' MiFIR trade reporting module is integrated directly with our execution system, capturing trade information directly from the execution line.

Combined with a proper set up of each user and firm, the result is an elegant, RTS 22 standard-compliant report, ready for direct upload to LSEG UnaVista or any other Authorised Reporting Mechanism (ARM). If required, we are further able to automate uploads via SFTP to UnaVista, fully automating your MiFIR reporting process. As we expand our execution abilities, we will also grow our reporting capabilities to cover a broader range of reporting requirements, built on the same principles of reporting to standard in a systematic, accurate and automated manner.

What brokers can you receive trade messages from?
What happens if any reports are rejected?
Can I manually add/amend/remove trades to reports?
Where do you submit trade reports to?
Do I need to have traded with your EMS to have trades reported?
How do you pick up trade data for reporting?
What kind of trade reporting do you offer?
Is this a delegated reporting service?
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